Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Off to Site

Swearing in was good, my speech was successful, and the party was really fun! Now I'm in Sikasso City with the other volunteers in my region, waiting to be "installed" in my site. I'm scheduled to be moved in tomorrow morning, which is a little scary.

We left Tubani So at 6 a.m. Sunday to take public transportation to our regional capitals. We met up with our regional coordinator yesterday morning, who took us to meet the governor and chief of police. The other major thing we need to be doing here is shopping for supplies for our houses. Volunteers that are replacing someone have a lot less to buy. Yesterday I tried to buy a bunch of kitchen stuff, but was unable to reach an agreement with the seller about a price, so I ended up walking out. Today I went back to the same place, and he was more reasonable. My other favorite purchases have been a mortar and pestle (which are heavy, by the way), and a canary -- a clay jar to store water in, that keeps it cool.

Last night we made Mexican food at the house of one of the volunteers who lives in the city. It was amazing. Also, one of the other volunteers, Kaleta, made a cake for the two of us that had birthdays this week. We spent a long time trying to pound sugar to made powdered sugar for the frosting. Conclusion: I don't know how they make powdered sugar, but it doesn't involve pounding it in a mortar and pestle. Luckily it was delicious anyway.

Not much more to report right now. From now on I'll only have internet access every 2 weeks or so, I think. I have cell phone service at site so you can call me, or try texting me. Also, I actually receive snail mail more quickly now that I can go pick it up at the post office myself.

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